日韩 亚洲一区二_heyzo高无码国产精品_亚洲欧美一区在线_玩年龄小处雏女av


Jingjiang City East Chemical Co., Ltd.

Honesty, customer first

Production and development of dyes, medicines,
pesticides, and liquid crystal intermediates

Mr. Gu



East Chemical


Product name 1,2,4-1H-Triazole
CAS RN 288-88-0
EINECS 206-022-9
Molecular formula C2H3N3
Molecular weight 69.0653
Use Used as a pesticide and pharmaceutical intermediate, widely used in the synthesis of pesticides such as Fenmeiping, Paclobutrazol, Uniconazole, Diniconazole, etc.
Structural formula

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