日韩 亚洲一区二_heyzo高无码国产精品_亚洲欧美一区在线_玩年龄小处雏女av


Jingjiang City East Chemical Co., Ltd.

Honesty, customer first

Production and development of dyes, medicines,
pesticides, and liquid crystal intermediates

Mr. Gu



East Chemical

Jingjiang City East Chemical Co., Ltd.

■  Address: No. 1, Sanji Road, Hongguang Town, Jingjiang City, Jiangsu Province. ■  Post Code: 214535
■  Tel: +86-523-84351078 ■  Fax: +86-523-84353368
■  Contact: Gu Tao ■  Mobile: +86-13952626729
■  E-mail: sales@east-chemical.com, 976785288@qq.com ■  URL: Http://baise120.com

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